Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Final Project

 As a young child, I was always so interested in animals from my early days of horseback riding to my neighborhood being filled with tons of animals. Growing up I had one cat until about three years ago my family adopted a rescue dog from Florida. By the time she was only about eighteen months old, she had already had two litters of puppies. When the group of rescuers first found Skye her body was covered in deep cuts, and it was suspected that she had most likely been involved with dogfighting. To spite her dark past my dog has changed my life in so many ways and that's why I decided to base my first topic on animal cruelty and animal rights. 

During the first quarter, I did a lot of research about the treatment of animals. My research consisted of both local and distant issues. I learned about things that took place in a variety of locations and also the wide range of problems that animals are faced with. In respects to the places in which it can take place, I learned that animal cruelty can happen anywhere. The books I read highlighted the abuse that happened in labs, in farms and slaughterhouses, and also abuse that takes place at peoples homes. In addition to learning the different areas which abuse can take place in, I also learned that often laws set are not followed and if they are followed, they often do not fully protect the animals to being subjected to any inhumane treatment. Some of these laws which do not fully protect animals include the animal welfare act of 1966. This document did not fully protect animals from abuse and left gaps where the law could be interpreted in different ways. Although since the act was originally passed many things have been changed, there are still was for things to take place behind closed doors, and that is why I dedicated the first quarter to learn more about what really goes on.

In addition to learning about my topic during the first quarter, I actually began my final project. It all started when Ms. Fichera told me about an event where Peter Singer, a famous author, and activist for animals, would be giving a speech on animal rights. At that point in the quarter, I was reading his most famous book, Animal Liberation, and was excited when I heard of the opportunity. On October 11, I attended the lecture at Phillips Exeter. The speech covered the central idea from his book that “the greatest good of the greatest number” is the only measure of ethical behavior. Singer believes that there is no reason not to apply this principle to other animals, arguing that the boundary between human and “animal” is completely arbitrary. This two-hour presentation inspired me to make a difference of my own and from that point on I began brainstorming for my second part of my final project.

As the beginning of January came around I started to brainstorm possible projects for my final. During the first quarter as I mentioned, I researched local shelters and other organizations dedicated to helping animals. Among some of the shelters, I learned about Sweet Paws Rescue. At first, my intention was to volunteer there, but because of their strict age requirements, eighteen and older, I was forced to think more outside the box. In addition to my passion for animals I also enjoy baking, so that was when I figured out what I would do for my final; a bake sale with all proceeds going to the shelter. So, on January 4th, I emailed Sweet Paws Rescue to introduce them to my idea for the fundraiser. Below is the email I sent.

Soon after sending the email I received a response from SPR and they were very excited for my bake sale. I then had to call the West Newbury Foodmart to ask if I could hold my bake sale there. At this point, I began spreading the word around the school and the towns by posting advertisements in various places. First I printed out fliers to post around the school. In addition to posting fliers around the school, I also posted about my event on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

 As the day of my bake sale approached I began to plan out what materials I would need to be successful. First I ensured I would have a couple of other people there to help me run the fundraiser. Once securing other volunteers I made a list of things I would have to bring. My list consisted of not only the baked goods I was going to make but also things such as two tables, one for the food and the other for the representative from SPR to use. In terms of things I was going to bake, I made nearly 50 cupcakes, two dozen brownies, four dozen of both chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodles, and finally some mini loaves of banana bread. One final thing I did in preparation for my bake sale was to make a few posters which we could use to advertise from the road near food mart. Below is a video of all the things I baked for the bake sale. 

The morning of my bake sale was finally here and I arrived at about 9:30 to begin setting up. I had my two tables set up, one with information about SPR and one with all the baked goods. At 10 my representative from Sweet Paws Rescue arrived, and she actually brought her foster dog with her! She hoped that my bake sale would help find a home for her after being returned twice. By the time we had been out there for an hour we had already made over one hundred dollars and lots of people were taking information from the SPR table in addition to some baked goods. 

By the time 1:00 came around we had run out of all our baked goods and had to close early. Before even counting up the money raised it was clear that we were very successful. After having a bake sale for three and a half hours we had made almost 400 dollars! Not only did we raise more money than I expected, but there was also one woman who even began to talk about adopting the foster dog. 

This project has taught me so much about the power that one person can have towards making a change in the world. I honestly was so surprised with the outcome of the bake sale. If I could change anything about my project I would only make it in the summer so we weren't as cold but besides that everything went as planned if not better. This class has inspired me to look around me and find things that I am passionate about and to make a difference. As teenagers, sometimes we feel as if we are insignificant, but after seeing what I could accomplish in one day I no longer believe that. Even though this class is now over I plan to volunteer with Sweet Paws Rescue once I turn eighteen to continue to do my part towards something I am so passionate about.

Hours Spent:
Planning/ Advertising: 1-2
Lecture: 2
Baking: 6
Bake Sale: 3.5-4


  1. I love this last paragraph. In fact, I printed it for times that I need inspiration to keep teaching this class and challenging you guys to think outside the box, to be proactive, etc. It's really rewarding to read. You did a great job all semester, and you should be proud of yourself.

  2. I really like the bake sale idea and I can tell you are very passionate about this project and not just doing it for the grade. I am glad everything went well. Great ideas and great execution of the plan.

  3. Great job at raising all that money! A bake sale was a great idea and I love how strong and passionate you are about your topic.

  4. This project is amazing. I love how you got Sweet Paws Involved.

  5. This is such great topic and it seems like you are very passionate about it. I adopted my dog from Tennessee and it was clear she has a rough past with men because she would run away from my dad any time she was near him. We have had her for about 5 years now and she is the best little dog though!

  6. This is an amazing project Jess. The amount of work you put into this shows just how dedicated you are to animal rights and I am glad you took the time to get Sweet Paws involved and raised all that money. The bake sale was a great and successful idea. Great work!

  7. This is so awesome!! I remember seeing videos of this on snapchat and now it makes sense why you were doing it. It is such a great cause and I have a rescue dog too so I think it is really cool that you did this.

  8. I am so happy that you feel so strongly about animals! I remember seeing posts online and posters about your bake sale and it clearly payed off! Really good job!

  9. I really enjoy the way you did this project. You did it for such a great cause and really made an impact on this community.

  10. What a great project, you really made an impact on your topic. I can clearly see how strongly you feel about this topic. It is so impressive you raised so much money in such a short amount of time.

  11. I love animals too my family has a black cat named Boo and he's super cool. I think bake sales are super fan and a great activity you can do with your friends for a good cause.

  12. Such a good cause you raised money for, it is clear you really care about animals. Good job!

  13. You kicked this project outta the park! 400 towards a great you got ms feudo along for the ride! Awesome!

  14. I love how you are so passionate about animals that you raised money for an organization that you really care about. This was a very thoughtful project, great job!

  15. I love the effort you put into this project. Everything went perfect.

  16. This is one of the most inspiring things I have ever read. It hits close to home because I have two dogs, and we fostered other dogs prior to them. We fostered through Big Fluffy Rescue, which is where we eventually adopted one of our dogs. Animals have always been a part of my life and it is always devastating to hear when they are not treated well. You put a lot into this project and it not only helped the animals but it also helped spread the word about Sweet Paws Rescue.

  17. this is a very wholesome project. It makes me happy to see that there are kids in this world who are this passionate about something. I really hope you end up volunteering with Sweet Paws Rescue like you said! Great job
