Friday, January 11, 2019

Friday Blog: Week Ten

This week I continued reading Ginny Moon by Benjamin Ludwig pages 57-178. While I was reading. I did not find any words that I was unfamiliar with so instead, I have looked up words that had to do with autism.

The rhythm and melody of spoken language. Prosody is shown in the rate, pitch, stress, inflection, and intonation used in our speech. People with autism have a harder time with intonation, and can often be more monotone or speak in a singing voice.

Repeating or persisting with an action or behavior after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased. To perseverate is to become stuck on something and to not be able to mentally shift gears.

This is the repeating of sounds, words, or phrases. People who “echo” may not always be able to communicate effectively or express their own thoughts, but they parrot back what they have heard. If asked a question, they might repeat the question, and not answer the question.

A change from one environment or activity to another. Transitions can be hard for a person with autism. It sometimes helps if warnings are given before a transition.

Often mistaken as temper tantrums, meltdowns are common with people who have autism and are typically not anger-infused. Instead, it is the body’s way of reacting to a confusing or over-stimulating situation. Meltdowns can be loud or they can be very quiet.

Sensory processing disorder (SPD)
A neurological condition that exists when sensory signals are not adequately processed in order to appropriately respond to the demands of the environment. For example, many people with sensory processing disorder are highly sensitive to fabrics

The repetition of words, phrases, intonation, or sounds of the speech of others, sometimes taken from movies, but also sometimes taken from other sources such as favorite books or something someone else has said. Echolalia is sometimes referred to as scripting.

Stimulatory behavior (Stimming)
Repetitive behavior, such as the spinning of objects, vocal echoes, or other repetitive actions, that people with autism commonly partake in to alleviate the stressors of overstimulation.

To leave without permission or without letting others know where you are going, and without processing the dangers/risks involved in leaving. Elopement is a great concern in the autism community.

To connect these terms back to the book, Ginny has a sensory processing disorder and struggles with loud noises and bright lights. When faced with a stimulus which triggers her SPD she tends to act out in order to get away from what it might be. Another term which connects to a central part of the book it elopement. Ginny has a hard time understanding that what her abusive mother did to her was wrong, so she wanted to see her mother and younger sister again, against restraining orders.

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