Friday, January 4, 2019

Friday Blog: Week Nine

This week I finished reading The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion pages 232-295. I also started reading Ginny Moon by Benjamin Ludwig pages 1-57.  I also watched another few videos on the fictional representation of autism. While I was reading I came across a few words that I was unfamiliar with.


Disconcerting p.236
Disturbing to one's composure or self-possession; upsetting, discomfiting.

Coherent p.241
Logically connected; consistent.

Evasive p.247
Tending or seeking to evade; characterized by evasion.

Ambiguous p.259
Open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal.

Demeanor p.261
Conduct; behavior; deportment.

Lucrative p.267
Profitable; moneymaking; remunerative.

Allocated p.273
To set apart for particular purpose;assign or allot.

Succedaneum p.281

Something that can be used as a substitute.

Pejorative p.319
Expressing disapproval.

Cognizant p.13
Having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization.

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